Download And Install Addons Developed By Collabsvito.These Addons Should Not Missed And New Fans Are Welcome... | Kategorie: | Repository |
Addon ID: | repository.collabsvito |
Version: | 3.6.6 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Collabsvito |
Upload: | 20.02.2023 21:46 |
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Confluence-MOD Vol.IV von mad-max - Support seit XBMC 13 durch blauesgruen | Kategorie: | Skin |
Addon ID: | skin.moddedconfluence.4 |
Version: | 1.3.5 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | mad-max / blauesgruen (credits Team-XBMC) |
Upload: | 06.04.2020 20:53 |
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CryptoPy is a pure python implmentation of cryptographic algorithms and applications. | Kategorie: | Python Module |
Addon ID: | script.module.cryptopy |
Version: | 1.2.10 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | |
Upload: | 10.04.2020 21:39 |
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skin created and design by Jugger | Kategorie: | Skin |
Addon ID: | skin.destiny |
Version: | 2.2.0 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Jugger |
Upload: | 08.04.2020 15:30 |
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 | Kategorie: | Sound Resource |
Addon ID: | resource.uisounds.destiny |
Version: | 1.0.3 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Jugger |
Upload: | 09.04.2020 23:52 |
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Switching your home with Kodi | Kategorie: | Script (Executable) |
Addon ID: | script.program.fritzact |
Version: | 0.0.27 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Birger Jesch |
Upload: | 20.02.2021 20:56 |
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Fritzbox Callmonitor | Kategorie: | Service |
Addon ID: | service.fritzbox.callmonitor |
Version: | 2.0.29 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Birger Jesch, Lutz Leonhardt |
Upload: | 20.08.2021 10:44 |
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A switch timer for the PVR module of Kodi | Kategorie: | Service |
Addon ID: | |
Version: | 2.0.12 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Birger Jesch |
Upload: | 01.04.2020 16:24 |
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Various Addons for Kodi | Kategorie: | Repository |
Addon ID: | repository.sandmann79-py3.plugins |
Version: | 1.0.4 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Sandmann79 |
Upload: | 17.03.2022 00:58 |
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Various Addons for Kodi | Kategorie: | Repository |
Addon ID: | repository.sandmann79.plugins |
Version: | 1.0.4 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Sandmann79 |
Upload: | 17.03.2022 00:54 |
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A script to support the overlay of multiple security camera image feeds. | Kategorie: | Script (Executable) |
Addon ID: | script.securitycam |
Version: | 1.6.1 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Ryan Melena, Paulemann |
Upload: | 02.02.2021 19:13 |
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Videos aus der ganzen Welt des Sports. | Kategorie: | Plugin (Video) |
Addon ID: | |
Version: | 1.1.5 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Maven |
Upload: | 26.01.2021 08:11 |
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Dieses Plugin stellt Videos von bereit. | Kategorie: | Plugin (Video) |
Addon ID: | |
Version: | 1.2.11 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Maven |
Upload: | 08.09.2023 06:23 |
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Sleepy Watchdog - he's watching while You sleep | Kategorie: | Script (Executable) |
Addon ID: | service.sleepy.watchdog |
Version: | 0.1.36 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Birger Jesch |
Upload: | 19.09.2021 18:32 |
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Fußball, Serien, Filme, Dokus und Reportagen laufen mit Zattoo im Livestream. Alles was du brauchst, ist eine Internetverbindung und schon läuft das Fernsehprogramm mit mehr als 75-TV-Sendern kostenlos auf dem Gerät deiner Wahl. | Kategorie: | Plugin (Video) |
Addon ID: | |
Version: | 1.2.19 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | PUR3, Maven |
Upload: | 28.10.2024 19:18 |
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This is a pure python implementation of the DES encryption algorithm. | Kategorie: | Python Module |
Addon ID: | script.module.pydes |
Version: | 2.0.4 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | Todd Whiteman |
Upload: | 10.04.2020 21:39 |
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Livestreams und Videos von | Kategorie: | Plugin (Video) |
Addon ID: | |
Version: | 2.3.12 (Jarvis) |
Autor: | PUR3, L0RE, Linkinsoldier, Maven |
Upload: | 26.10.2020 06:53 |
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